Important Dates:
- August 7th – 28th | Nominations Accepted
- August 29th | Questionnaire’s sent via email to Nominees
- September 5th | Nominee Questionnaire Due *must be submitted by midnight to be considered as a finalist
- September 25th | Finalists Announced
- October 25th | Winners Announced Live @ the 2024 Business Awards
Nomination Process & Eligibility:
- Nominators are welcome to nominate any business or individual within the district of the Town of Fairview, M.D. of Fairview #136, Village of Hines Creek and Clear Hills County.
- Nominators are welcome to nominate their own business or themselves, as no one knows your contributions better than you do.
- Nominators are welcome to nominate multiple businesses/individuals or nominate a business in more than one category.
- Nominators name is kept confidential, and only known by the Chamber Staff, unless they agree to have their name released.
Nominee General Eligibility:
- Businesses must be within the district of the Town of Fairview, M.D. of Fairview #136, Village of Hines Creek and Clear Hills County.
- Businesses must be in operation at the time of the awards.
- Adult & Youth Excellence in Customer Services awards are allocated for employees only.
- Adult & Youth Excellence in Customer Services award nominees must be currently employed at the business location submitted on the nomination form for the nomination to stand.
- Must not have previously won in the SAME category in the past 2 years.
- Chamber Staff reserves the right to reallocate nominees into the appropriate Award Category if the nomination is determined to be ineligible in the category submitted.
- Businesses do not need to be a Chamber Member to be nominated or to win. *Chamber members do receive 2 extra points in the scoring process.
- Current Board of Directors do not participate on the judging panel nor are involved in any nominee or judging processes, allowing all nominations to stand.
- Chamber Staff are ineligible for nomination as they are involved in all nominee and judging processes.
Nominee Process:
- Upon nomination, nominees will be contacted by the Fairview & District Chamber office and asked if they would like to accept or decline the nomination.
- By accepting the nomination, the nominee agrees to their business and or individual name being published as a nominee.
Nominee Acceptance:
- August 29th, 2024 | Nominee’s will be emailed an online Nominee Questionnaire to fill out. *In the case of the Youth & Adult Excellence in Customer Service categories, the Questionnaire will be sent to their employers.
- Details included in these questionnaires will be used by the volunteer judging panel to score questions according to the specific criteria outlined for each award category.
- September 5th, 2024 | Nominee Questionnaire’s Due *must be submitted by end of day to be considered as a finalist
- If a business is nominated in multiple categories, the business must choose a maximum of 2 categories to compete in.
- Being that the Chamber Staff does not serve on the Judging Panel we are available at any time to assist nominees with any questions they may have and provide support in completing their questionnaires. Please feel free to reach out to us for guidance or assistance.
Judging Process:
- The volunteer, anonymous judging panel (11+humans) is selected by the Chamber Staff.
- The panel is comprised of a diverse and impartial group of respected community members & community/business leaders – both inside and outside of our community.
- The judging panel do not interact with each other, and their identities are kept strictly confidential, known only by the Chamber Staff.
- Panelists receive package(s) of Nominee Questionnaires within a designated category and are tasked with scoring the questions according to the specific criteria outlined for each award category.
- Once category scoring is complete the panelists submit scores digitally to the Chamber office.
- The Chamber staff calculates the combined scores of the panelists, which determines finalists & ultimately the winners in each category.
- Finalists in each category will be announced on September 25th, 2024.
- Winners, known only by the Chamber Staff, will be announced live at our Annual Business Awards on October 25th, 2024.